Thursday, September 23, 2010

At Play

I've had an eventful summer with many play-dates. One thing that I loved about all of my playmates was their ability to live in the moment and enjoy what we were doing, when we were doing it. I had a great time making memories with my young friends and photographing some of our adventures. Click on the album below to see the pics!

I visited parks, set-up obstacle courses, went to the Zoo and the new Children's Museum in Madison, bowled, got creative with MadLibs, and played bocce ball-- just to name a few. It was a great reminder of how much fun you can have when you put your mind to it. It reminds me of one of my favorite silly songs:

Lessons learned this summer: it doesn't get much better than a good play-date. So,"knuckle-down, buckle-down, Do it! Do it! Do it!" ...

Stay posted for the next update!

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