Friday, July 2, 2010

July, July

July seems like a good month to try new things. So, I decided to start a blog to go along with my photography adventures.
Here are a few photography albums to begin browsing, if you've got a little time. Stay tuned for more!

Just a note: the photographs look best if you view them in the slide-show format.

scenes: night, day, & in between. People, places, things. Mostly random, opportunistic shots. All of these photos were collected in the last 3 years. Some with a point and shoot, others with my new "fancy" camera.

scenes: night, day, & in between

Garden Spells:
An homage to a book I stumbled across a couple of years ago. Olbrich Gardens in Madison, Wisconsin is spell-binding. Check it out if you have the chance. I highly recommend it. It's a scenic spot for a picnic with friends or a great place to catch up on some reading by yourself. It's also just a nice way to enjoy pretty flowers, without having to do all the weeding that goes along with keeping up your own garden.
Garden Spells

Legends & Myths: Describes New York in a nutshell. It's an amazing place. Legends are created, and myths are propagated. There's so much to see and do, and on such a grand scale.

Legends & Myths

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